Emissium, for real-time traceability of electricity

Project type



In test


Role of EnovArk

  • Identify the right partners
  • Make the region’s infrastructure available (open-air laboratory)

The start-up Emissium, a spin-off from EPFL Valais, aims to enable all consumers to know in real time the composition of the electricity supplied by the network. In the long term, the aim is to replace the current marking of electricity based on an annual statement. Real-time information has the advantage of allowing consumers to adapt their behaviour and choices according to the share of renewable energy actually injected during the day. A first test is currently being conducted on the OIKEN electricity network. 

Carbon emissions are increasingly problematic on a global scale. The recent COP26 in Glasgow talked about it at length. However, carbon remains very difficult to quantify for the average person. Emissium, a spin-off from Professor François Maréchal’s EPFL laboratory, wants to make the carbon emissions emitted by the population more visible.

Calculating the carbon intensity of the electricity we consume is the starting point for Emissium. Carbon and its emissions are very complicated to calculate. The start-up wants to improve people’s awareness of CO2 emissions.

Available directly in homes

The ultimate goal of the start-up is to offer an application that would be available at home to track the CO2 emitted by each person live. Whether it’s using lights, taking a shower or cooking. The important thing at the moment is to be able to access the data. This has now been achieved, as a first test is underway on the OIKEN network.

According to Emissium, it would be possible to reduce total emissions by up to 25% by raising people’s awareness directly. The start-up relies on software and a private blockchain, in particular to secure the data. This blockchain will make it possible to deliver proof of authority, all with negligible energy consumption.

Additional information


c/o Fondation The Ark
Rue de l’Industrie 23

1950 Sion

058 332 21 20


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